Musings on Hand Sewing

Working on my sweater provides a lot of quiet time for reflection.

I do not consider myself a seamstress. I am not good at sewing by hand. However, in the past month I’ve managed to do quite a bit of it, and some I actually volunteered to do!

One of the things I’m learning, is that the more activities my daughter does, the more volunteering I wind up doing. Teams need help, ski races need bodies, softball games have concessions, and community theatre and ballet have costumes. I know that the coaches, teachers, and crew all do more than their fair share, so I want to help where I can.

This summer E tried out and got a part in the Berkshire Theatre Festival’s production of the Wizard of Oz. It was a great opportunity for her to work on a community production in a somewhat professional environment. I met an old friend and remembered how much I did enjoy working with the theatre. The production had a cast of over 100 people – it really was amazing. In order to costume the entire show, they asked for help. I told them I could weld a glue gun, and would be happy to do what I could. So, I got to bring a box of fabric, beads and feathers home to make some barrettes. It was fun, and I think they came out pretty well!


Since then I’ve sewed ribbons on E’s new toe shoes and I volunteered to sew eye closures on Nutcracker costumes. Somehow, for someone who isn’t much of a hand sewer, my list of things to sew is growing.

That all said, I did get to sit and put the finishing touches on the button band on Sunday. And the weekend that was supposed to be a complete washout, managed to pull through for us. I asked if we could take a couple of pictures. I have to admit my favorite of the session was this:

However, the sweater is hard to see in that picture. So, here it is:

I really am happy with this sweater. Bonne Marie Burns never ceases to amaze me with her fantastic designs, well written patterns and accessibility. I think one of the things I love about the knitting community is the fact that so many designers are so willing to help with questions as they arise. I’ve reached out to Bonne Marie a few times on each of her sweaters that I’ve knit, and she’s always replied quickly and politely. Even when my questions were silly because I hadn’t thought it through.

I really enjoyed knitting Keelin. I wore it Monday and got one of the best compliments – “it doesn’t look handmade.” Which was my aim. I really want to take my knitting to the next level, and I think I’m going in the right direction.

Now, back to the stockinette of the Dale!

One thought on “Musings on Hand Sewing

  1. Just in case I haven’t already said it enough, I love, love, love that sweater! And you and E both look beautiful in your pics!

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