Right on track, for me at least

Well, as October rolled in, I decided it was a great chance to work on the socks I’d started in honor of Socktober. I also started to work on Through The Loops’ mystery sock KAL.I haven’t taken any photos of that, but I’m plodding along.

Additionally, I had a hat on the needles that I was working on, so I continued to work on that. After I finished Chad’s custom socks, I seemed to really get focused on the Lightning Bolt Hat from Green Mountain Spinnery’s book 99 Yarns. I think it helped that I got an Addi Turbo needle to knit with (less pointy and feels faster to me than the Inox I had) – whatever it was – focus or the needle, I really seemed to pick up the pace. I finished the hat last night, and washed it tonight and put it on a bowl to block it:

It’s dark at night, so the picture’s aren’t great. Here’s a close up of the pattern:

I’m not sure if this is a gift, or just an extra hat for the ski bag. It depends on whether or not it matches a coat that was purchased last year. I’m not sure how I’m going to scope that out. But I’ll give it a whirl. It would be nice if it were a gift. I’m not planning on knitting for the holidays, but I wouldn’t count it out.

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